
Tru Ltd would like the make the following acknowledgments:

Open Zepplin

The Tru Reputation Token Project makes extensive use and has been inspired by the Zeppelin Solidity by Open Zeppelin. Specifically the following Smart Contracts and Libraries are used by the Tru Reputation Token:

Name Modified?
BasicToken.sol No
ERC20.sol No
ERC20Basic.sol No
MintableToken.sol Yes
Ownable.sol No
SafeMath.sol No
StandardToken.sol No

To ensure security, and as part of good community practice, the coverage testing in this Repository covers all non-trivial libraries consumed from the Zeppelin Solidity framework, and will feedback any issues encountered with the framework during any and all testing.

All Open Zeppelin Smart Contracts, libraries and supporting functionality used within this work are licensed under the MIT License.


All TokenMarket Smart Contracts, libraries and supporting functionality used within this work are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. The following items are covered by these terms:

Name Modified?
Haltable.sol Yes
ReleasableToken.sol Yes
UpgradeableToken.sol Yes
UpgradeAgent.sol Yes

The original unmodified source files are under copyright of TokenMarket Ltd and can be obtained in the TokenMarket ICO Github Repository