
The TruCrowdSale Smart Contract acts a child class to the TruSale and is used for the main CrowdSale of the TruReputationToken.

Title: TruCrowdSale
Description: Smart Contract for the CrowdSale of the TruReputationToken.
Author: Ian Bray, Tru Ltd
Solidity Version: 0.4.18
Relative Path: ./contracts/TruCrowdSale.sol
License: Apache 2 License
Current Version: 0.1.9

1. Imports & Dependencies

The following imports and dependencies exist for the TruCrowdSale Smart Contract:

Name Description
TruSale Parent Smart Contract for all TruReputationToken Token Sales
TruReputationToken Smart Contract for the Tru Reputation Token
SafeMath Zeppelin Solidity Library to perform mathematics safely inside Solidity

2. Variables

The following variables exist for the TruCrowdSale Smart Contract:

Variable Type Vis Details
TOTAL_CAP uint256 public Variable for the Total cap for the Crowdsale & Pre-Sale
existingSupply uint256 private Variable containing the existing TruReputationToken supply.

3. Enums

There are no enums for the TruCrowdSale Smart Contract.

4. Events

There are no events for the TruCrowdSale Smart Contract.

5. Mappings

There are no mappings for the TruCrowdSale Smart Contract.

6. Modifiers

There are no modifiers for the TruCrowdSale Smart Contract.

7. Functions

The following functions exist for the TruCrowdSale Smart Contract:

Name Description
TruCrowdSale Constructor Constructor for the TruCrowdSale Smart Contract
finalise Function to finalise CrowdSale.
completion Internal function to complete CrowdSale.

TruCrowdSale Constructor

Function Name: TruCrowdSale
Description: Constructor for the TruCrowdSale Smart Contract
Function Type: Constructor
Function Visibility: Public
Function Modifiers: N/A
Return Type: None
Return Details: N/A


The code for the TruCrowdSale Constructor function is as follows:

TruCrowdSale Constructor Code
function TruCrowdSale(
    uint256 _startTime,
    uint256 _endTime,
    address _token,
    address _saleWallet,
    uint256 _currentSupply,
    uint256 _currentRaise) public TruSale(_startTime, _endTime, _token, _saleWallet)
        isPreSale = false;
        isCrowdSale = true;
        uint256 remainingCap = TOTAL_CAP.sub(_currentRaise);
        cap = remainingCap;
        existingSupply = _currentSupply;

The TruCrowdSale Constructor function performs the following:

  • Executes the super TruSale Constructor function.
  • Sets the isPreSale variable to false.
  • Sets the isCrowdSale variable to true.
  • Calculates the cap variable by removing the _currentRaise argument from the TOTAL_CAP variable.
  • Sets existingSupply variable to the _currentSupply argument.


The TruCrowdSale Constructor function has the following usage syntax and arguments:

  Argument Type Details
1 _startTime uint256 Sale start timestamp
2 _endTime uint256 Sale end timestamp
3 _token address Address of TruReputationToken Contract
4 _saleWallet address Address of TruCrowdSale wallet
5 _currentSupply uint256 Current amount of TruReputationToken tokens issued.
6 _currentRaise uint256 Current amount of ETH raised in the TruPreSale
TruCrowdSale Constructor Usage Example


Function Name: finalise
Description: Function to finalise CrowdSale.
Function Type: N/A
Function Visibility: Public
Function Modifiers: ref:ownable-only-owner
Return Type: None
Return Details: N/A


The code for the finalise function is as follows:

finalise Code
function finalise() public onlyOwner {


    isCompleted = true;

The finalise function performs the following:

  • Checks that the isCompleted variable is set to false. If not, it will throw.
  • Checks the hasEnded function returns true. If not, it will throw.
  • Executes the completion function.
  • Fires the Completed event.
  • Sets isCompleted variable to true.


The finalise function has the following usage syntax:

finalise Usage Example


Function Name: completion
Description: Internal function to complete CrowdSale.
Function Type: N/A
Function Visibility: Internal
Function Modifiers: N/A
Return Type: None
Return Details: N/A


The code for the completion function is as follows:

completion Code
function completion() internal {

    // Double sold pool to allocate to Tru Resource Pools
    uint256 poolTokens = truToken.totalSupply();
    poolTokens = poolTokens.sub(existingSupply);

    // Issue poolTokens to multisig wallet, poolTokens);
    truToken.finishMinting(false, true);

The completion function performs the following:


The completion function has the following usage syntax:

completion Usage Example