Tru Ltd

Tru Reputation Token

Last Modified On 4th December 2017
Revision Version 0.1.12

The Tru Reputation Token is part of the Tru Reputation Protocol by Tru Ltd and forms the cornerstone of the crypto-economic model in the Tru Reputation Protocol as detailed in the Tru Reputation Protocol Whitepaper. This project and documentation contains all design specifications, source code, security audits and testing suites for the Tru Reputation Token including all Crowd Sale Smart Contracts, and supporting Smart Contracts and Libraries. The contents of this Project can be used under the Apache 2 License.

Contribution Guidelines

Whilst this project has been specifically crafted for Tru Ltd’s needs, we encourage everyone to report any bugs found - including documentation issues - via Tru Reputation Token Github Issues Page

Please feel free to fork and modify the code as per the Apache 2 License.